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SAP launches new predictive analytics solution

SAP AG has released a new predictive analytics engine – the first solution to come out of its acquisition of KXEN Inc., a U.S.-based...

CMO & CIO partnership crucial for data that drives revenue growth

If Bill Clinton was gunning to be a chief marketing officer in 2013 instead of running for President of the United States in 1992,...

More businesses to harness predictive analytics

Businesses are planning on investing more and more in predictive analytics in the next few years, using their data as a crystal ball for...

Gallop Media launches from BNotions

A former division of app development company BNotions has struck out on its own, making its foray into digital marketing last week. Making its...

Using big data to improve farming, one cow at a time

When GrowSafe Systems Ltd. first began studying cattle in 1990, it all started with a team of engineers and computer scientists, working with 386...

#SASanalytics: Twitter chat recap on high performance analytics – Sponsored by SAS Canada

Big data, high performance analytics, data visualizations - do these sound like they have any impact on your organization? We just concluded a great...

CIOs and CMOs meet in the middle at ITBusiness.ca event

Why can’t IT and marketing just get along? They can, but it’s going to take a lot more than just awesome digital technology. That was...

Cloud gives businesses an edge, IBM study finds

Businesses using cloud in a big way are outpacing their less cloud-savvy competitors, with those using cloud computing growing their revenue at almost double...

How you can use big data to answer the big questions

Big data might be a flashy industry watchword, but marketers can make use of it in practical ways – that is, if they pay...

Adobe improves analytics tool for marketers

Adobe Systems Inc. is rolling out several new features to its Adobe Analytics service, helping marketers carve out new trends from their data and...

Canadian businesses slower to embrace data analysis, study finds

Canadian businesses are eyeing data analytics with keener interest than ever before, but many of them have been slow to start using data to...

Communitech’s Database program to launch satellites, harvest ‘big data’

Collecting  big data from partners in the government, academic, and private sector and finding new uses for it is the new, broader focus for...

From Big Blue to code red, Privacy by Design framework being widely adopted as industry standard

Talking at a sports arena in the middle of St. Petersburg, Russia, the chief data scientist of IBM Corp.'s entity analytics group describes how...

New Canadian director sees SAP as sales firm, not IT organization

Meet the new managing director of SAP Canada Bob Elliott. We did a live Google Hangouts on Air interview with Elliott and fielded questions...

3 refreshing perspectives on big data from Ideacity

When approaching both the challenges and opportunities posed by big data in the IT space, it's popular to try and quantify just how much...

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