They came, they coded, they conquered

More than 70 teams from 31 countries gathered this week for the International Collegiate Programming Contest in historic Prague, hosted by the Association of Computing Machinery. It was the first time in three years the event was moved outside of North America, and featured Canadian teams from the

University of British Columbia, Calgary, Waterloo and Queen’s University in Kingston.

Watch for more on the ACM World Finals in the April 23 issue of Computing Canada

Queen’s team prepares ACM battle plan (March 29)
Programming trio sizes up their competition at IBM challenge

U of C takes first victory at ACM tournament (March 28)
Calgary team wins IBM Java Challenge in international field of 67

Queen’s U. top-placed Canadians at ACM finals (March 27)
Russians take top spot; Waterloo, Calgary shut out

Letters from Prague

Czechmate (March 31)
It’s game over at ACM, but the beginning of something bigger

Coding and the coed (March 30)
The fairer sex is outnumbered but not outclassed

Big Blue U. (March 29)
The IBM ethos and the students who sleep through it

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