UnMarketing’s Scott Stratten: QR codes bad, social listening good

We recently caught up with the founder of UnMarketing and author of QR Codes Kill Kittens Scott Stratten at The Art of Marketing conference in Toronto.

Hailing from Oakville, Ont. Stratten is now recognized as one of the most influential people on Twitter and is well known for his series of marketing books, an ongoing podcast, and of course his on stage presentations. When it comes to digital marketing topics, Stratten doesn’t hold back on his opinions. He thinks QR codes are often a bad idea, and he has seen the power of social listening first hand, as he shares with us in this video interview.

Stratten also has some sound advice for marketers on how to collaborate with the skilled technical people at your own organization to avoid creating a campaign for the sake of technology and to keep your focus on serving the customer. Hit play on the video above.

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