Unlocking sales leads with Introhive at Dreamforce

Introhive mines your company's existing relationships for sales leads.

Making a cold call is a situation that a sales person never wants to find themselves in. It’s much easier to start a conversation based on a referral from a common contact or know something about that person’s interests before picking up the phone.

That’s where Fredericton, N.B.-based Introhive says it can help. It wants to make social selling real by assessing what contacts exist within the company, and what the strength of those contacts is. Perhaps someone in accounting used to work at the same company as a potential lead, or maybe the guy in marketing has a second cousin that is looking for your solution. Introhive helps unlock those connections and make them visible to the sales team.

We caught up with Intohive’s vice president of marketing, Rob Begg, at Dreamforce in San Francisco. He told us about his product and its integration with on the exhibitor show floor.

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