How to clean up your online reputation

If you own a small or medium business, a good reputation–online and offline–is clearly key to your success.

The Internet can overwhelm users with information, so anything negative–especially if it appears high in search results–can have a drastically harmful effect on your company’s success and reputation.

A potential customer who searches for your business online is a lot like a recruiter, trying to find the best company for the job.Among U.S. recruiters, 70 per cent have rejected candidates based on their online reputation–and yet only 7 per cent of Americans believe that their online reputation can affect their job search, according to a 2010 study by Microsoft and Cross-Tab Market Research.

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Ignoring how your company appears in search results and on ratings Websites has arguably never been more perilous.

One significant figure in the recently altered relationship between businesses and search engines is Vitaly Borker, owner of retail eyewear Website, who told the New York Times in November that his unconventional search engine optimization (SEO) strategy worked like a charm: Borker harassed customers, directing them to vent on the Internet. His Website thus climbed higher in Google’s search results, bolstered by the many links from established review Websites. Google immediately reworked its code and buried DecorMyEyes along with other businesses it deemed “bad.” Now that Google no longer rewards bad customer service with top spots in searches, it’s a good time to examine how your business can get more positive attention in legitimate ways.

Should you pay for online reputation management?

Deciding to take control of your online reputation is a daunting task, and you may be tempted just to hire someone to do it for you. Online reputation management companies abound on the Internet–claiming everything from 100 per cent success rate (or your money back) to a “special technology” that reorders search results.

Such companies may be worth looking into, but there is no magical way to erase content from the Internet. Once something is uploaded to the Web, it’s impossible for you or a third party to remove it without help from the administrator of the Website where it appears.

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It’s even harder to remove content from search engines (like Google) that cache their results and enable surfers, with the click of the Cached link, to view content that has been “removed.” In addition, the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine stores records of Websites dating back to the 1990s.

Organizations such as ReputationDefender, RemoveYourName, and Integrity Defenders offer business packages to help you take on your online reputation. Essentially, however, these services focus on two tasks: requesting that negative information about you or your company be taken down, and helping you create new content to displace the negative content.

ReputationDefender, which is perhaps the best-known reputation-oriented service, charges between $3000 and $10,000 to monitor your reputation. RemoveYourName and Integrity Defenders are a bit cheaper; their packages start at $3000 and $630, respectively. Often the quoted prices are just a starting point. ReputationDefender charges extra, for example, for helping you get rid of unsavory remarks that they uncover.

Here are some key points to remember if you decide to hire an online reputation management company:

How to manage your online reputation

If you don’t have room in your budget for professional reputation management–or if you’ve decided that the service doesn’t justify the price–you can take on tracking and managing your online reputation by yourself.

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Step 1: Track Your Online Presence

Step 2: Address the Issues


Step 3: Connect and Create Content

Online reputation management might seem like a full-time job, but it doesn’t have to be. If you take the steps to gauge the general tone of your brand’s online presence and discover that you’re doing a pretty good job, retaining a professional reputation defense company to obliterate one or two bad reviews makes little sense. If, on the other hand, your brand has a less-than-stellar reputation on the Internet, be aware that there is no one-step route to a rehabilitated rep; slow and steady relationship building is the most effective way to gain the reputation you desire. In most instances, a small business’s marketing teams should be able to handle online reputation management, since much of the task involves basic social networking and Website upkeep, along with reaching out to the clientele.

Unfortunately, bad things have a way of snowballing–or “going viral”–on the Internet, so it’s possible that a bad hit to your reputation can become a big deal if you handle it poorly or fail to handle it at all. In these situations, having someone–whether it be a professional company or a full-time staff member–dedicated to protecting your reputation can be very helpful. If your online reputation is getting too hot to handle, for whatever reason, bringing in professional help should remove some of the stress. But no matter how professional a company or individual dedicated to online reputation management may be, ultimately they can’t do anything that you couldn’t do yourself.

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