Startup TO: Isn’t it time you got a cut of the deal?

Isn't it time you got a cut? via Ashley Huffman of ChickTech

Every click, scroll and eyeball is worth something. Heck, we even pay people to like us. Consumers like us have become an unassuming middleman within the ads and conversions. But what about our cut of the deal?

I love the idea of a mutually beneficial web; like real web users making money by doing what they like doing and by sharing things worth sharing. Right now we’re given badges, tokens, titles, and credits, but nothing really tangible like money.

So what if we could make money by sharing things actually worth sharing? If time is money, I imagine we could all be making a lot more cash on the side. That would make the web truly mutually beneficial.

Event Holler was created to do just that. It gives organizations an opportunity to create, manage and promote events, and people willing to promote them a chance at some extra coin. (Watch Event Holler’s pitch video here.)

Imagine if Abercrombie & Fitch paid you money every single time you wore a t-shirt with their brand strewed on the front? Maybe one day it’ll get to that point, but for now you can make a cut by sharing awesome events and promotions with your friends and rolodex.

How it works as an event creator:
Create an event for free on, and set a percentage of the ticket price you are willing to offer to promoters.

How it works as a promoter:
How much money you make depends on how much the org wants to give you and the ticket price. Simply sign up for an event on and share it on If someone clicks and signs up, you make money; paid via PayPal.

For just getting started, I’m excited about what this team has got going on within their INoffice presence at INcubes. I’m waiting for cross-platform and integration with other event sites. That and a peak of their business model.  Psst… @EventHoller.

Share the wealth and grow a user community of promoters. A simple win-win in my opinion. Your thoughts?



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