CMO Digital: Shareability and time spent on social media

CMO Digital with Fawn Annan and Jim Love

For episode #17, Fawn and Jim take a moment away from their busy social media-posting schedule and talk about just how much time finding great content to share really takes, and then give tips on how to be more efficient and effective. Plus, a promise to retweet you if you share this episode on Twitter and @ mention us – @CMODigital.

Anyone that has spent time on social media knows that working with it can be a double-edged sword. Not only can it take a long time to find great content for your audience and craft the perfect message for it, but you can be easily distracted by all the other content people are posting on there!

It turns out that marketers are the profession spending the most time on social media. No doubt, it’s because their job requires building a company’s brand in the social sphere, or maybe even converting social leads into sales. Despite spending more time on social than a year ago, most businesses still feel they need to do more. So how can you be more effective without seeing your whole day wasted to posting tweets?

Jim and Fawn have some ideas. Plus, one promise – share this video on Twitter and @ mention us and we’ll be sure to retweet you. Now that’s time well spent.

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