Why does Forrester Research say social media marketing is a waste of time?

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While most brand marketers are using Facebook and Twitter as the centrepiece of their marketing strategies, organic reach on the sites is so poor they may be wasting their time, according to a new report from Forrester Research.

Social houses can’t be left empty

The Forrester report is a good wake-up call that are too heavily relying on blanket social media posts to drive brand engagement. Social media posts should be one part of a wider content strategy that draws in an audience. While just posting a message to a Facebook wall or Twitter feed may not get very good engagement on average, there are other ways to talk to your audience on those channels. Methods such as organizing a Twitter chat can lead to a concentrated burst of engagement around your brand that you wouldn’t see otherwise.

Marketers can’t simply ignore Facebook and Twitter, because of the sheer amount of visitors the sites see and the amount of time spent there by those visitors. But they should have more advanced strategies than just posting content and hoping for engagement.


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