Who’s most likely to complete that form? Canadians online at 1 PM

Marketers employ all sorts of strategies to get their target audience to an online landing page with the hopes they’ll convert into a lead, or even a new customer. But what it all comes down to is whether or not that person is willing or not to take the time to type their information into a form.

With the increasingly popularity of mobile form factors this becomes an even bigger problem for marketers as using thumbs on a touch screen is harder than fingers on a keyboard. But there’s some good news at least – Canadians are more likely than residents of the U.S., Great Britain, and Australia to complete those forms. That’s according to Indianapolis-based Formstack LLC, an online forms company that surveyed its customers to create the 2014 Form Conversion Report.

It may be Canadian marketer’s ability to cater to the bilingual population that results in the better performance. Canada’s second-most popular form button is “Soumettre” – French for Submit, and one of the most-clicked buttons on any form is “Envoyer” – French for Send.

Formstack’s report is packed with insights about what might make a person more likely to complete a form. Take for example this analysis of what time of day different form types are completed.

Formstack shares these three tips on how to boost your form conversion rates:

Click through the link to download the full report for even more tips and insights. Of course, you’ll have to complete a form first.

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