XConnect: SampleBank seeks to help indie rappers make money

Editor’s note: is pleased to partner with XConnect, a Toronto-based show hosted by Karim Kanji featuring interviews with insiders in the technology and emerging media industry. Watch for this weekly feature.

This week XConnect brings you our first interview since the completion of our BankConnect study.

Sammy Younan joined Karim Kanji in studio to discuss music and technology.  More specifically we discussed two initiatives of Sammy’s: The SampleBank and NewMusic Ten.

What is The SampleBank? Here’s an explanation from their website: “The Indie rap scene has not flourished as boldly as Indie Music. Rap music relies on samples often from established artists or songs. The convoluted process of acquiring legal authorization is expensive as lawyers and the sample owners must be financially compensated and proper authorization secured.  The high costs of responsibly securing samples coupled with the aptitude to discover quality samples have stunted the Indie rap scene, effectively handcuffing these artists. Instantly The SampleBank transforms their plight. Instead of having two separate worlds—an Indie Music world and an Indie rap realm The SampleBank merges these 2 fractions under one common goal and vision. To make good money making good music.”

And NewMusic Ten? We like this explanation: “You’re here because you know the delicious joy of discovering an amazing new band or a fresh-tastic album. And you’re here because all the other online music stores suffer from gluttony: too much inventory makes it difficult to uncover the unique. NewMusic Ten is music’s first online pop up shop. 10 Artists. 1 month. 1 album/ep each. That’s it. This is the anti-iTunes of online music.

Enjoy the interview!

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