This Alberta-based provider started from the bottom to digitally transform

Startup Collaboration

In order to digitally transform, Alberta-based electricity provider Enmax went back to the basics, starting with enhancing employee communication.

Headquartered in Calgary, the Enmax business, through its subsidiaries, revolves around selling electricity to residential, small business, and large commercial customers. With 2,500 employees and contractors on the docket, when the company turned to digital transformation, it knew exactly where to start – employee communication.

Traditionally, Enmax’ internal communication was simply through a corporate branded intranet and email that was considered one-way with limited data insights available. In order to gauge employee reactions and push out announcements, polls and surveys would be sent over Outlook and updates simply emailed to every employee. These practices would have to change in the present day digital world.

Enmax is nominated for ITWC’s Digital Transformation Awards, being held June 14 in Toronto. Though nominations for this year are now closed, we’re covering every nominee that we’ve received in ahead of the big event.

“Often, it was difficult to gauge the effectiveness of the communications through our channels. It was difficult to determine if and how the messages were received by employees,” said Karla Wingate, manager of corporate communications at Enmax in the company’s nomination. “We needed to move to a digital platform that would better enable us to have a two-way dialogue and measure employee engagement in absorbing the information across our organization through a more social means of communicating.”

As part of the company’s digital strategy, Enmax realized that it would need to grow capabilities that advanced the basic fundamental capabilities of its employees. This would center around providing useful, informative, and timely information on a better digital platform that revolves around the ideas of connection and collaboration. To do this, Enmax got on board with Igloo Software’s digital workplace.

Under the new Igloo platform, which has been internally branded as Intramax, employees can subscribe to interested content to be updated on, collaborate with colleagues in their own team spaces and then connect with other teams, and learn more about what is happening inside of the company. Intramax also allows for the ability to search for company information, people, and processes.

“With our Intramax roll out, we started to see additional value where our new social means of communicating were reducing the reliance on email as a collaboration and communication medium for enterprise information, while also creating a community and culture of openness and transparency,” said Wingate.


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