Easily deliver cross-platform campaigns with Adobe’s new Experience Manager update

Digitally savvy marketers looking for a helping hand in creating multi-platform experiences for their customers will find one in Adobe Systems Inc.’s latest Experience Manager update.

Released last week, Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) 6.3 helps customers place digital transformation front and centre in their marketing efforts, by making it easier to create content that easily passes from desktop to mobile to Internet of Things (IoT) devices – including those managed by third parties – and back again.

“Consumers interact with brands nowadays in more ways than ever before — via not only mobile and IoT devices, but also Pinterest, connected cars, and even ATMs,” Adobe Digital Marketing vice president Aseem Chandra wrote in an April 28 blog post.

To support marketers in their efforts to accommodate these new platforms, AEM 6.3 helps marketers “realize the vision of ‘fluid experiences’ — experiences fueled by content that flows and adapts to its context,” he wrote.

The update, which relies on data analytics powered by Adobe Sensei, the company’s machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) platform, provides users with three benefits that Chandra highlighted in particular:

  1. Fluid experiences: “AEM has evolved beyond rich tools for websites, forms, and community engagement to become a solution that is also capable of flowing content into other third-party sites, screens, and IoT devices,” Chandra writes. This next-generation omni-channel support, which the company has dubbed “fluid experiences,” combines AEM’s omni-channel content management with Adobe Sensei’s AI to deliver adaptable content that is instantly optimized for whichever platform it appears on.
  2. Scalable real-time assets: “With assets becoming the cornerstone of digital marketing to help facilitate digital transformation, AEM now offers enterprise-level scalability and performance of digital asset management,” Chandra writes. The updates also support greater integration of native and user-generated content; for example, by allowing brands to use the UEM interface to can source and obtain permission for external content.
  3. Faster time-to-value: “With increased pressure to capture the attention of customers by creating, managing, and deliver personalized content more quickly, brands can now achieve business value more promptly,” Chandra writes. Translation: Marketers can use UEM to set up websites, digital-asset management, and enterprise systems such as customer relationship management (CRM) platforms with optimized user experience forms more quickly than ever before.

In addition to discussing AEM’s new features, Chandra highlighted the success clients such as Dutch tech giant Koninklijke Philips N.V. have achieved using Adobe software.

In the case of Philips, which manages one million pages of website content that receive 1.4 billion views every year, and serves customers across 79 markets in 38 languages, the company uses AEM to automate daily updates for over 30,000 digital assets, including product images and videos.

“The company can now easily produce and deliver continuous, personalized experiences that are highly attuned to the context of each customer,” Chandra wrote.

“Brands own each and every moment of interaction with their customers, and over time, only exceptional experiences lead to long-term relationships,” he wrote. “With the help of data and actionable insights, customers can determine what content will create the most memorable experience for a particular individual at that moment in time.”

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