3 tech newsmakers worth following on Twitter

We have a weekly tradition of recommending the accounts we’re following on Twitter in the spirit of #FollowFriday. Here’s some accounts that you could find in our stories this week.

With Anthony Lacavera’s Globalive Capital group acquiring the whole of VimpelCom’s stake in Wind Mobile, more attention has come to the upstart carrier as a viable option for the much sought-after “fourth national carrier.” What happens from here will involve regulatory maneuvering the likes of which have not been witnessed before and Simon Lockie, Wind’s chief regulatory officer, will be in the middle of all that. Will Wind negotiate a merger with Videotron, Quebec’s big winner in the recent spectrum auction? Will it negotiate an acquisition with an incumbent? Or will it chase new LTE band in the next spectrum auction? Lockie hasn’t been so dedicated on Twitter, but has been engaging industry analysts and sharing news of the deal to make Wind a Canadian-owned firm.



If you find the world of quantum mechanics tough to wrap your head around, then perhaps learning about it in tweet-length parcels will help. Follow the University of Waterloo’s Institute for Quantum Computing to get just that, along with the other fascinating research work that is coming out of this cutting-edge science centre that’s attracted some of the top talent in the world and is getting attention for its published work in the field. As we learned from Joseph Emerson this week, commercialization of quantum technologies are a few years out just yet. But tapping this tweet stream will give you an inkling of the future to come.

It’s rare that filling out a form on the web actually leads to you being sent a cheque in the mail, but that’s exactly what this Twitter account is promoting. No, it’s not a scam, it’s the result of a settlement with LCD panel manufacturers that goes all the way back to 2007. If you bought any LCD panel, in a laptop, TV, or computer monitor, then you’re entitled to a partial refund – and you don’t even have to dig into your shoebox storage system to dig out the receipts for up to two purchases. Follow this account to learn how to complete the process and then stay tuned so you know when the cheques start getting issued.

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