Welcome to the new!

Welcome to a new and improved!

We hope you find it provides you with a more fluid, interactive and intuitive experience.

Over the last few months, our people have been working hard behind the scenes to improve the design, format and functionality of not only this site,, but also that of our sister site, so that you can enjoy a more rewarding, more engaging, and more informative experience whenever you visit.

As you explore what’s now on offer, I think you will agree that the changes we’ve made demonstrate our commitment to finding novel ways to deliver the kind of up-to-the-minute and relevant content you rely on us to provide.

An important improvement is our ability now to post breaking news almost as it happens. You’ll see rich posts that include large images, relevant links, and videos produced by our own editorial team and others. This means you get news and updates faster than ever before – from a source you’ve come to know and trust.

As well, we’ve made it easier for you to home in on the topics you care most about, by placing related articles alongside the one you’re reading, through our revolving carousel of stories you can see across the top of the page, and of course via the Tabs for popular topics. Everything you need should be yours within a click or two.

Another big improvement is that we’re now better able to use a variety of multimedia platforms – so we can tell our stories better. We’ll use whatever works best to bring a story to life. Take for example, our All Hands on Tech video series featuring hardware reviews on the latest productivity devices that focus on the qualities that help you more effectively get work done.

And, if you like what you see, we hope you’ll share it.  We’ve made it easier to do this by placing social media buttons wherever it makes sense, throughout the site.

However, it’s not all about what we have to say, either. We want to hear what you think too.  So today we are launching our Community Blogger Program and inviting our expert readers to share your thoughts and insights on issues that matter to the SMB and startup community.

Finally, our new site can now be fully appreciated on even the smallest mobile device, delivering the same rich and full experience as it does on a desktop. As the mobile arena continues to evolve, is all geared up to adapt without you even noticing.

We believe  and now provide the kind of experience you’ve come to expect from ITWC — the leading online information resource for Canadian IT professionals. When you combine the new features and functionality available today with our unwavering focus on Canadian news and information, we believe there’s no better place to get the information you need to do business and succeed.

We look forward to your feedback and to your future participation in the many opportunities for involvement that we plan to provide, as we continue to evolve this site and serve our Canadian IT community.

Brian Jackson

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