Pixel Point is using digital signage to modernize the Ontario Legislature

Most tech companies like to emphasize digital technology’s superiority over more tactile or analogue alternatives, but Pixel Point Digital Inc. would rather its audience didn’t forget about the human element – a sentiment one of its recent customers, the Ontario government, is all too familiar with.

The Mt. Albert, Ont.-based digital signage firm and CDN Channel Elite Award nominee, which notes on its website that “the word ‘digital’ often obscures the fact that communicating with an audience is less about technology and more about people,” was recently enlisted to upgrade the information kiosk in the Ontario Legislature buildings in the heart of Toronto.

The company’s solution had to comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, be easily access regardless of a user’s primary language, rugged enough to withstand cold Ontario winters, hot Ontario summers, and regular “demonstrations” by members of the public unhappy with the government, and, most importantly, incorporate an architecturally pleasing design.

Pixel Point ultimately designed, constructed, deployed, and continues to manage a two sided, touch-sensitive information kiosk onto a new custom patio facility located near the buildings’ main public entrance.

While the company did not specify the materials used in its CEA application, according to its website Pixel Point utilizes Scala digital signage software, “industry leading component manufacturers, and experienced partners to deliver world class [digital messaging] solutions.”

Its site also emphasizes Pixel Point’s understanding of how mobile devices, social networking, and digital engagement points can help clients extend their dialogue beyond their signs’ bricks and mortar presence, a message no doubt welcomed by Ontario’s government.

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