How Facebook’s embedded posts could help your Web site

If your business brand has a presence on Facebook, take note. Today the most widely-used social network rolled out embedded posts. This will give businesses the ability to embed Facebook posts on their Web sites. This feature is nothing new in the world of social media and videos. Twitter and Vine had this feature since a long time. You can also embed  Youtube videos on Web sites.

In case of Facebook, you’ll need to grab a snippet of code from a public post and then you will need to paste it into the code of your Web page. One point to note here is that only public posts can be embedded. So if a post is just shared between friends or hidden from someone you cannot embed those posts. Also, only a few popular companies like Mashable, CNN, The Huffington Post, Bleacher Report, and People magazine have been given this ability as of now. It will slowly roll out to the rest of the social world.

Facebook had recently launched hashtags which helps to track conversations around a particular topic. When you embed a post on your Web site, you could click on any included hashtag and view other conversations related to the topic right from your site. This can significantly help improve time on site and other SEO metrics.

You can get more social interactions or have the ability to navigate people to like your page directly from the post on your Web site. In case of individual posts, people can start following a person on Facebook directly from the embedded post. So for example, if your CEO puts up a post and that is embedded on the company portal, people can follow him directly from there.

How to embed a post?

Here is how you will be able to embed a post. Just click on the embed post button which is just below the download button. Then simply copy the code snippet and paste it on your website. (As mentioned before, it is currently open to a handful of people and will roll out soon to the rest.)

Only public Facebook posts, like this one from the monarchy, will be available for embedding. 
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