Facebook ads pack little punch, poll finds

A new poll suggests Facebook ads just don’t work.

Four out of five Facebook users have never bought a product or serviceas a result of ads or comments on the social networking site, accordingto an online survey of 1,032 Americans by Reuters and Ipsos Reid.

The findings add fuel to the fire surrounding Facebook’s advertisingofferings and their effectiveness. Last month General Motors Co., thethird largest advertiser in the United States, pulled its ads fromFacebook over doubts about whether the site really influencesthe carcompany’s target demographic.

And a February study by eMarketer also found Facebook less effectivethan email or direct mail marketing when it comes to actually swayingbuying decisions.

The Reuters/Ipsos poll also found that 34 per cent of respondents arespending less time on Facebook than they were six months ago. The topreasons cited were that the site is “boring,” “not relevant” or “notuseful”. About 44 per cent said Facebook’s initial public offeringhasgiven them a less favourable perception of the company.

Although the site has 900 million users worldwide, 21 per cent ofAmericans polled said they still don’t have a Facebook account.

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