7 year old uses a 3D printed hand to throw a baseball and the MLB is onboard

(Washington Nationals)

[UPDATE: It has been announced that Dawson will throw out the first pitch of Game 4 of the 2017 World Series.]

Never say Twitter can’t be used for good! 7 year old Hailey Dawson is on a mission to throw out the first pitch in every MLB stadium, a teams around the league are stepping up to make this a reality.

The Bleacher Report posted a video on Twitter earlier this week detailing her dream, which she can carry out thanks to engineers from the University of Nevada Las Vegas, who provided her with a 3D printed hand. Dawson was born with Poland Syndrome, a birth defect that caused her to be born without three fingers on her right hand.

According to the video, the 3D printed glove allows her to carry out tasks by simply using fishing line to hold it together and give her control. The fingers can then open and close with a flick of the wrist. As a lifelong fan of the sport, Dawson was able to then teach herself how to hold and throw a baseball.

After the video hit Twitter, it didn’t take long for MLB teams to get onboard.

So far we’ve seen at least half of the teams in the MLB reach out on Twitter, with hopefully more to come. And Dawson has already gotten started. She’s thrown out two pitches in the MLB so far for the Washington Nationals and Baltimore Orioles earlier this year.


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