The Coolest Stuff in Digital Media: Checking Out Ryerson’s Digital Media Zone

I’m often asked at IDC what the coolest technology is that I’m seeing in Canada from tech startups. In the Digital Media space, and in Toronto specifically, a good place to source out hot new digital media technology is at Ryerson’s new Digital Media Zone (DMZ), which officially opened on April 7, 2010 (

Located on the 5th floor overlooking Yonge-Dundas Square, the DMZ connects Ryerson students, graduates and alumni from different disciplines to take digitally inspired concepts and make them real solutions and marketable products. Ryerson’s President Sheldon Levy explained that Ryerson does not take a stake in the technology being developed; instead it provides the space and equipment for students to test and try their ideas in a safe environment supported and funded by the school.

The result? Some pretty cool and marketable technology. Examples include:

There was no shortage of talent and interesting technology at the DMZ, but as President Levy pointed out, that’s not the biggest challenge. “There’s no doubt the talent is as good here in Canada as anywhere else, we just don’t want it badly enough.”

Providing a place like the DMZ where students from different disciplines can work together, pushing each other every step of the way to test and build superior technology, will definitely help overcome this challenge. Yet, the real value is likely to come from the mentorship, entrepreneurial counseling, funding advice, and industry connections that can be provided through the DMZ to help those students (who want it badly enough) take their cool ideas and initial successes to the next level.

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