Rdigitalife: The Singularity Is Near

Just how near is the Singularity? According to Ray Kurzweil robot intelligence will surpass human intelligence by the year 2045.

Futurist, inventor, and author of “The Singluarity is Near” Ray Kurzweil shares his theories and research regarding the exponential growth of technological and biological evolution.

Ray Kurzweil, who Time Magazine has called the rightful heir to Thomas Edison, says, “We’re stuck with unfortunate terminology: artificial intelligence implies its not real intelligence, but it is real intelligence and ultimately it will fully match and exceed human intelligence and we’ll put it inside ourselves to make ourselves smarter.”

What impact will this technological evolution have on our lives, our relationships, our communities? Ryerson University, the Digital Media Zone, and the RTA School of Media have joined forces to find out with Rdigitalife, a new interview series that examines the intersection of technological innovation and the human experience. Produced and hosted by Ramona Pringle, Rdigitalife takes a deeper look at the myths and realities of life in the digital age, exploring the ethics, possibilities, and repercussions of our increasingly connected lives.

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