ITB blog readers dig Facebook security, phone OSs and discount plans

A Facebook security and privacy setting guide, a video blog of a mobile operating system smackdown and a review of a new budget cell phone plan for Quebec users were top picks in the recently concluded blogging contest.

Nestor Arellano


Headlines about Facebook’s continuing security and privacy faux pas, the social networking site’s most recent retooling and not to mention repeated hand slapping from Ontario’s privacy commissioner must have had something to do with Facebook security and privacy hardening guide being the top read at Blogs.

In his winning blog, security expert Claudiu Popa, however took a different approach by not only talking about Facebook’s security and privacy settings, but also offering readers a easy to follow free downloadable tool. Popa is principal of Informatica Corp., an international IT security consultancy firm based in Toronto.

The downloadable guide is now a favourite feature in the Website.

Popa, who was one of the runner ups in our previous blogging contest, gets a copy of the Executive Warfare: 10 Rules of Engagement for Winning Your War for Success  by bestselling author David D’ Alessandro and an memento.

Kye Husbands, co-founder of myCELLmyTERMS, a Toronto-based company that helps cell phone user negotiate wireless plans with independent dealers, is our second place winner.

Husbands’ entry Video Blog: Windows Phone 7 vs Google Android vs Apple iOS, treated our readers to a series of three videos featuring the new Windows Phone 7 in competition against Google Android and Apple iOS operating systems. Husbands will receive the book Future Savvy, by Adam Gordon.

Our third place winner is Yale Holder, also a co-founder of myCellmyTerms.

His entry, A review of Videotron’s new cell phone plans, although posted just a week before the end of the contest, gathered enought views to make it to the top three position. Holder wins an memento.

Past winners of our blogging contest were: technology analyst Carmi Levy for his G8 and G20 must address online privacy; Popa, for The Toronto G8/G20 Summits: How simple security communication blunders can negatively impact public opinion; Michael Collins, vice-president for sales of Shred-itCanada provided useful and timely data protection advice in his blog G20 Summit: Business data security in the ‘Zone’; and Mathew Nisbet, malware data analyst for Symantec Hosted Services, for Targeted malware attacks increase around G8 and G20 summits

Nestor Arellano is a senior writer for Follow Nestor on Twitter, read his blogs on ITBusiness.caBlogs. Check out’s Facebook page

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