Mind the App: ES File Explorer

Toshiba Excite

The below text is a transcript of what’s said in the above video. For full context, we recommend you play the video above. 

Are you an Android user that wants more out of your phone than what the standard OS offers? How about adding a file manager, an app manager, remote access, a compression tool? Or a file browser that previews images, music, videos, and text? There’s one free app that can do it all. Stick around to find out more about ES File Explorer right now on Mind the App.

If you’re an Android user like me, you’ve thought to yourself “I wish I could do _________ with my files from my device?” ES File Explorer is the answer you’re looking for.

Just as its name suggests, ES File Explorer is akin to the Windows Explorer, or the Mac Finder. It allows you a way to navigate your files. Organize, view, rename, copy, move, select, share, send, hide, create shortcuts, bookmark, compress, edit. You name it, you can do it on your Droid with this app.

Even cloud storage is within the reach of this app. If you use Dropbox, Sugarsync, Google Drive, Skydrive, Amazon S3, Yandex, or, you can access your cloud files here. Plus a remote file management feature allows you to login to your device using FTP or WebDAV servers. It also supports Bluetooth file transfer and access to your home WiFi network storage.

The application manager allows you to categorize, uninstall, backup, and create shortcuts for all of your apps. Kill any apps that are resource hogs using the task manager module. Try out the widget for at-a-glance details about your device’s memory usage and quick access to the task manager.

If these features sound good to you, check out ES File Explorer. Did I mention it is free? There’s tons of functionality here. Don’t let the steep learning curve scare you away. This app brings too much to the table to not be on your smartphone or tablet.

A special thanks to commenter “tricksie” for suggesting we cover this app.


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