Five expense reporting apps for BlackBerry

Blackberry Playbook

BlackBerry 10

Unless no one ever leaves the office on business, every company needs an expense reporting regimen. Air fare, hotel rooms, entertaining clients, it all adds up to a pile of receipts and often handwritten forms. If, to your company, the height of expense-reporting sophistication is an Excel spreadsheet, consider these apps for your BlackBerry to keep track of expenses on the go and report them when you get back.

All are available from BlackBerry AppWorld

Concur Expense and Travel Management


If you’re already using one of Concur’s expense and travel management solutions at the office, the mobile version is a free download. The mobile app not only captures receipts with your device’s camera and create, submit, approve and reject expense report, it handles the travel side of the business to, with access to itineraries and flight status. Free. AppWorld rating: 3.5 out of 5



The mobile app integrates with Expensify’s online service, capturing credit and debit transactions and mileage on the go, then filing and approving reports online. You can even reimburse reports up to $10,000 online Expensify claims to integrate with any accounting and payroll package, and has recently upgraded its QuickBooks integration. Free. AppWorld rating: 4 out of 5


Total Wireless Solutions

ExpenseManager is more of a standalone app than Expensify and Concur, generating a CSV or HTML file to submit for expense. Enter expensesunder an unlimited number of categories (20 are provided), amount paid in 31 currencies and attach a method of payment. ExpenseManager also allows you to attach a budget to categories and manage accordingly. $4.99. AppWorld rating: 3.5 out of 5

Abukai Expenses


Step 1: Take a picture of your receipt. Step 2: Press submit. That’s how simple Abukai makes expense reporting. Abukai automatically generates an e-mailed expense report, and reviewers have called its accuracy top-notch. The free version will generate up to 12 reports of up to 10 items each per year; and Abukai account allows unlimited reports and integration with a variety of accounting platforms (QuickBooks, Mint, Xero) and even ERP systems SAP and Oracle. Limited version free. AppWorld rating: 4 out of 5

ProOnGo Expense


Like Abukai, ProOnGo automatically scans your receipts to populate an expense report. Like Abukai, while it’s a free download, your company really needs a subscription to get the most out of it. ProOnGo also tracks mileage by GPS and tracks time expenses from the BlackBerry call log. Reports are exported as CSV or HTML, and ProOnGo also integrates with QuickBooks. Limited version free. AppWorld rating: 4 out of 5

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