Why your business should start a Google+ collection

Google’s leadership has been indicating that it will provide a fresh direction for Google+. Last month, Sundar Pichai said that Google+ will focus on Google photos, Hangouts and stream as three separate products.

So it was no surprise that last week Google+ launched a new feature called Collections. This new feature lets you organize your posts, pictures and videos in one place. Collections aims at turning users into content curators.

Why should you as a business be using collections right now?

Like most social networks, new features usually get a lot of traction initially. So if you are an early adopter, chances are your collection could get featured. That itself should get you a good bump in followers and engagement with your posts and your business website. Collections is different from Communities in that it is curated by just the individual user. It is also different from Google+ pages because you only follow the collections that you like and won’t see other collections from the user/page.

So how do you create your first collection in Google+?

  1. Head over to your Home tab and then click on Collections.
  2. That should prompt you to fill in a name and customize your cover picture for the collection.
  3. Next you will need to set the visibility of your collection. Since this cannot be later modified, share the collection only with the circles you are comfortable sharing it with.

That’s it; you are now ready to make add new posts into your collections. You can even add your previous posts into collections. Simply click on the drop down option on the share button and get choose the Collection you want the post to be added to.

Next page: How Google+ communities help improve SEO

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