Use the latest medium to broadcast your company’s message

Podcasting is 2005’s blogging. It’s receiving a ton of media attention. Everybody’s doing it (and some even produce material worth listening to). And it’s ripe to be co-opted by corporate interests. (That would be you.)

George W. podcasts. Radio stations are supplementing (or supplanting) broadcast content with podcasts. Locked-out CBC workers produce CBC Unplugged, the No. 1 podcast in Canada.

There’s a lot of upside to podcasting. Unlike other online communication tools, it’s not deskbound – your audience can load podcasts on their MP3 players or audio-enabled PDA and listen to them at their convenience, during the commute to and fro or during downtime while travelling.

Like many technologies before it – desktop publishing and Web design software come to mind – the great thing about podcasting is that anyone can do it, and the downside is, well, anyone can do it badly. A couple of keys to doing it right:

Podcasts have to have some value to listeners or they won’t subscribe. Decide who your audience is and keep focused.

Dave Webb is the IT Business Special Projects editor.


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