TechBlocks to build a free mobile app for one lucky business

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If your business is looking to score some free mobile app services, TechBlocks Inc. has something that may help.

The Vaughan, Ont.-based consulting and development agency has set up a contest that will see the winner get a free app, custom-built – a service that is worth about $30,000, the agency says. The contest is open to businesses and charities based in North America, and they can be B2B or B2C.

To enter the contest, businesses can submit their app idea here. What will set the winning app apart from its fellows is its popularity with the audience, measured by gauging interest in the app through social media. That popularity will be the key piece of criteria for all submissions, so businesses entering the contest should share their app ideas through their social channels, contest organizers said in a press release.

The top app idea will also have a strong impact on its organization, on its users, and on the industry it’s built for, and contest organizers will be looking to see internal resources put towards the project, like effort put into promoting it or using it for communicating with audiences. The last bit of criteria is geared towards the app’s “wow” factor and whether it demonstrates any creativity.

There should also be a marketing aspect to the app, according to contest organizers, and the app should be handy for current customers and stakeholders.

“In order for an app to be worthwhile you should think about why it’s needed, how you would promote it, and how an app will help meet current objectives and goals,” said Dominic Gignac, TechBlocks’ senior director of marketing, in a statement.

To enter the contest, head on over to this link. While public voting on the best app ideas began Aug. 1, the deadline for submissions is Sept. 1. The winner will be announced in the second week of September.

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