All the latest sports tech news, including Twitter broadcasting ESPN’s Sportcenter, Steph Curry trivia, betting with Bitcoin at the Kentucky Derby, and more! Plus, after several controversies in recent weeks, we discuss whether the NHL should adopt goal line technology.
Stories of the week:
- Betting with Bitcoin at the 144th Kentucky Derby
- WNBA renews its partnership with Twitter
- Disney will be creating live sports programming for Twitter
- Under Armour’s new Steph Curry trivia app
- New virtual reality lab in British Columbia dedicated to healthcare
- Students at Rice University develop software that provides automated sports analytics in an hour
- Fitbit teams up with Google to connect wearables data with electronic medical records systems used by hospitals
- The Apple Watch is the company’s fastest growing segment
- A crowd-sourced workout app
- Prince Edward Island is giving the University of PEI funding to develop a concussion awareness program
- Seventh NHL player diagnosed with CTE
- Former NHL enforcer Dan Carcillo donates his brain to concussion research
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