Readers weigh in on . . .

Re: Web-based monitoring service watches TV ads (April 1)

So let me get this straight. It’s illegal and unethical to record streaming music and music videos, movies, television programs,

or any other copyrighted electronic media. And it doesn’t matter why it’s recorded — for public, commercial or private use — it is “”stealing.””

But it’s legal and ethical to record advertisements, apparently for any reason, and it’s not “”stealing.””

My intent, in stealing, err, recording advertisements might be to put a competitor out of business. But that’s not illegal. And I can form a company, write software, create a data base of over 5,000 advertisements, provide copies of them for profit, and that’s legal. So much for ethics in the advertising industry.

I don’t see why it would be illegal to record electronic media in one industry, but would be legal in another. No wonder governments don’t want to deal with this stuff. Can you spell hypocrisy?

Bruce Edwardes

Re: Venture capital deal puts Corel in play (March 24)

As I own 47,000 shares of Corel, I can’t believe they’re selling a company that Mr. Burney says will be profitable this year. The economy and geo-political situation is not condusive to attaining, at the present time, a reflective stock price to value a company. Not just Corel, but any company. So why sell now? There are better times ahead. If they sell, I’m in for a big loss due to broken promises.

Do I have a point or am I dreaming?

Tony Bertuzzi

Re: IBM scours programming contest for recruits (March 24)

I am writing in response to the article noted above and I specifically wanted to address the issue of encouraging women to participate in the IT industry en masse, not just in programming.

A couple of years ago, I was profiled on the Toronto WebGrrls site after I had worked with a colleague to engage some young high school girls in a tour of my company and an introduction to the IT industry from a woman’s perspective.

What I tried to communicate to these girls was the notion of a “”genderless”” industry. That smarts are what count and that success depends solely on one’s skill and knowledge. Also, speaking to the high school demographic, throwing in the male to female ratio for dating possibilities didn’t hurt in getting that message across either.

When I was talking to these young girls (two of which ended up coming to work for my company), I really didn’t know if I was telling these girls something that was true or something that I just really wanted to be true. Unfortunately, beside

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