Readers weigh in on . . .

Re: ‘Tis but a scratch (Feb. 28)

So true, so true. In my experience, the “tiny” flaws are more serious in the long run than major software errors. A “severe” error usually causes a crash,

presents itself early in development or deployment, is easily locatable, and often doesn’t cause much damage aside from looking horrible. The really insidious ones are the small flaws that can go undetected for months or years, causing data corruption through accumulation of small, systematic errors.

Adrian Roggeband

Re: ‘Tis but a scratch (Feb. 28)

Your editorial postulates an interesting metric. I disagree however with its validity. From a user’s standpoint often software works or it does not work.

Even a small flaw in the software means to the end user that it is worthless. If it is inconvenient or awkward but works then it will be used. Therefore, no flaws are acceptable, small or large.

Personally, I think a more valid concern is the amount of testing that is done. It appears to me that often software is brought to market tested only on the most recent OS on the best hardware available running only by itself.

I realize that setting up a variety of circumstances and configurations is expensive but not doing this sort of testing means that many people will be running untested variations and will be calling the support centres for assistance from CSRs who do not really have answers.

Mark Bernier

Re: Lost in transportation (Feb. 24)

Another interesting article. Thanks.

Just looked at Amazon’s “Block View,” a picture “ribbon” at a map site.

They’ve only done 10 cities in the U.S. so far but the potential is interesting. You’ll be able to see what the address looks like along with where it is. Check “lead in” images to know what’s approaching. Look for the nearest parking lot. String the images together . . . lots of potential.

David F. Buckland
Infinite Source Systems Corp.

Re: The SuperNet you’ve never heard of (Feb. 24)

Why don’t you talk with the school districts and health-care facilities that have been forced into this system which offers paltry DSL or less bandwidth and has cost the taxpayers of Saskatchewan a lot of money for limited results. Many of the schools have had to resort to their own private wireless systems in order to provide adequate bandwidth for their administrative and academic systems.

This project is, from what I can see, mostly hype. SaskTel is the monopoly carrier in Saskatchewan and is a crown corporation directly controlled by the government of the day. Enough said. I would suppose they believe their own press releases.

Al Pippin

Re: The SuperNet you’ve never heard of (Feb. 24)

I think its great what is happening in Saskatchewan! I think we have an even more amazing story to tell in the Yukon.

By this summer, 98 per cent of Yukon households will have access to high-speed Internet via ADSL.

It’s a result of a partnership between the Federal Government, Yukon Government, our local phone company (Northwestel), and non-government community organizations.

We have more we would like to do in terms of lowering costs, but we’ve done a pretty amazing thing in a territory of 30,000 people.

Joe Bradley
Senior Business Development Advisor, Innovation and Technology
Strategic Industries, Dept. of Economic Development
Yukon Government

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