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Re: How to run your enterprise like the Enterprise (July 20)

Way to go!

It just amazing the analogies that you used on your article between the IT industry and a sci-fi TV

program. And they are true!

This is one of the reasons that I like to get a different perspective of our industry. It’s refreshing to read this after all the technical stuff that you have to deal with on a daily basis. I grew up watching Star Trek and I really liked (and still do).Keep up the good work!

Gustavo Diaz
Sys Admin
Husky IMS Ltd.

Re: How to run your enterprise like the Enterprise (July 20)

Scotty died and there wasn’t (as far as I could tell) a single mention in any newspaper. Conversely, General William Westmoreland died recently and merited a half-page obit. Who had the greater impact on our (I’m being presumptuous here) generation? Go figure.

I still watch some original series reruns, and while they seem hokey by today’s standards, I try my best to remember that they were produced 40 years ago. Groundbreaking at the time.

Rest in peace, Lt. Cmdr. Montgomery Scott.

Brian Oliver

Re: Doesn’t ANYONE want to be a programmer? (July 19)

There is an even more fundamental reason why students don’t want to become programmers: the lack of work. Mr. Gates complains about students not being interested in becoming programming and yet who is one of the biggest lobbyist for bringing in cheap foreign labour into the U.S.? Microsoft’s Bill Gates. Students aren’t stupid. They see that programming jobs are rapidly dwindling and being outsourced to India and developing nations. They see their parents who have been programmers for years who cannot get jobs despite years of experience.

If Bill Gates and all the other people who are wondering why no one wants to be a programmers really want solve the issue here how: start hiring North American programmers instead of bringing in low-cost foreign workers or outsourcing projects to other countries. Then students will realize that there might be a future career for them. Otherwise, why bother?

Note: I am not a programmer but Network Support Specialist. My wife is a professor of Computer Science and Engineering so I have some knowledge of how students think.

Tim Inkpen

Re: Doesn’t ANYONE want to be a programmer? (July 19)

Great article. The challenge for new product development is developing a “culture of inventiveness” — allowing designers and programmers to believe that they can invent new things. Becoming an inventor, though, requires discipline: you have to be able to recognize unique human problems and suggest solutions. Understanding and using this process makes product design really fun — whether it’s a new cereal or software widget.

There should be a required course for all computer science students: How to invent things. It’s empowering and provides a lasting legacy of one’s work through patents. Also once you’re an inventor in one field, it’s easier to invent things in another. I’ve got 17 U.S. patents for a range of products: telephones, data networks, software and IT services. I’m looking forward to 17 more!

Mitch Brisebois
Product Planning Manager
Provance Technologies Inc.

Re: Coalition takes aim at spyware awareness (July 12)

Your recent article must have been a joke? And, part of the joke was the members of the coalition.

As I understand it the ability for a software vendor to hijack a computer is directly related to security holes in the Microsoft product…I believe that McAfee is a commercial anti-virus manufacturer and Lavasoft makes Ad-Aware.

I am in the computer business for a living. I spend a significant amount of time removing rogue processes that were downloaded without my “explicit” consent.

I think the only way to control unauthorized downloads like istsrv.exe, actalert.exe, optimizer.exe is to launch a class action suit against the product that allows them access, or switch to a more secure operating system.

Jeanette Aubry

Re: Coalition takes aim at spyware awareness (July 12)

Notice anytime there is a coalition against viruses or spyware Microsoft has to drag some poor unfortunate company or country that is locked into their product into the spotlight? With all the money Microsoft has, why don’t they just fix the problem with their product instead of wasting other peoples money and resources?

Kevin Power

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