Readers weigh in on . . .

Re: Feds shy away from issuing contracts under $25K (Aug. 10)

It is unfortunate that Public Works Canada is taking this new position, as small business is the driving force of Canadian

economics. Small business cares about quality and support in their contracts. And, because they are small, they make sure that their work is good so they can build business on their good reputations. Small organizations that have perfected and re vamped their abilities over and over are more likely to provide sturdier support and can be accessed quicker, without too much lag time. A small business can act quicker and fix a problem easier.

The Federal Government has always expounded the value of small business in Canada — they know they are dedicated and try harder. It is good that CATA is purporting dialogue with government and the best of luck to them!

Michael Higgs
Senior Consultant
Setforth H.R.I.S. Ontario

Re: Feds shy away from issuing contracts under $25K (Aug. 10)

In the past smaller contracts were let so that innovation could occur at the margins. That meant that it would not imperil the mainstream, but would act as a force to stop the dominant players from defining the agenda to suit their own profit motives and milking the administration (and by implication the taxpayer).

A change to allow the big players to call all the shots delivers government into the arms of big business. This is naive. Democracy is the rule of the people by the people for the people. It is not rule of the people by industry. But that is the US model, and is increasingly the model that everyone else is following. At some point we have to take a view about representation, and, as a minor matter, who should be calling the shots. The most dangerous aspect of the current situation is that there is a serious lack of clarity. The only important control of the public over the administration is transparency of operation. That is what prevents any aspect of the administration from dominating the voter. But when the administration try to hide transparency from the public, then is the time to worry.

Naturally, the SME worries when there is favoritism for big business. So voters should look carefully at proposals that put all the power in one place. There may be a creative tension between that and the administration. We have to be going up the hill – not down it!

Steve Mathews

Re: Feds shy away from issuing contracts under $25K (Aug. 10)

This is another reason for smaller companies not to do business with the Federal Government. It is bad enough with all the bureaucracy!

Joe Francis
Prime Network Consultants Inc.

Re: Oops! Did Microcell forget to pay its domain name fees? (Aug. 9)

I don’t understand this. Haven’t they heard about pre-authorized payment deduction from bank account or credit card?

Kwok Chiu

Re: Body of evidence (Aug. 8)

Well said! I think this is your best piece of writing so far and it deserves wider exposure.

Bill Atkinson

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