Readers weigh in on…

Re: Child Find searches for IT improvements (Nov. 13)

What great use of technology.

Michael Ballard

Re: Retail Sales Tax: A User’s Guide (Nov. 8)

This article is very disturbing. Not only is the government a non-producing entity in the country, but it has also gone too far in its greed for taxes.

ITAC president Robert Horowood is quoted as saying “”some MPs have reacted to the IT industry’s concerns with derision, calling them ‘fat cats’ who don’t want to pay their taxes.”” This remark is totally improper and such MPs should be publicly exposed in every manner possible and asked to step down. To use such an expression for anyone is, as it usually is called, politically incorrect. These MPs should be made aware that their paycheques come from the very people that they ridicule and, therefore, should step down.

I live in B.C. and I have not heard that any such taxation has been implemented here, but it could still come. It is therefore of the utmost importance that such legislation be eliminated in any province.

Anita Wolff

Re: Retail Sales Tax: A User’s Guide (Nov. 8)

Ontario business people are forever whining and harping and unleashing their tax lawyers and accountants to heap more confusion on their arcane taxation processes. They should harmonize their ORST with their GST so they can focus on productive work as we do in Nova Scotia.

Bob Brown

Re: It’s a Binar-e World (Nov. 7)

I thought that computers had hit the big time when the movie “”Tron”” came out. It was Hollywood’s technology thrill ride, taking people into the inner workings of a video game. The hero was transported into the game where he came to the realization that when a player dies in the video game, someone really dies inside and now he’s one of them. The movie sported what was then cutting edge animation, but today it makes my kids groan.

Warren Fee

Re: Remembrance of things past (Nov. 8)

Your point of view explains why we continue to make the same old dumb mistakes, and re-cycle old ideas as if they were really something new.

S. P. Harvey

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