Letters to the editor

Re: Don’t look back in anger (Feb. 20)

Your editorial on Web Rage hit home (although I must say I’ve never actually hit anything). I consider myself a very competent user. Often when I come

across Web sites that don’t work, I try to find out why and offer a fix to the Webmaster. What annoys me is when something doesn’t work and I spend too much time trying to figure it out before giving up. Then what really annoys me is when nowhere in the dozens of Web pages for some of these sites is there an e-mail address for the Webmaster. I’ve had to guess at e-mail addresses, send notes to the only e-mail address listed and ask them to forward it, and otherwise completely give up on certain companies. I get particularly frustrated with companies who proclaim to be Internet friendly when they don’t have the foggiest idea of how to support their customers electronically. The banks are my latest pet peeve. Don’t get me started on the banks.

Thanks for the excuse to sound off.

Dan Frederick

Re: Don’t look back in anger (Feb. 20)

Just read your comments on Web rage and I wholeheartedly agree. I spend most of my days doing the kind of soothing and on-the-spot psychological support and counsel you mention, and I can tell the world that it’s no walk in the park being the front-line emotional punching bag for folks who are continuously frustrated by the wobbles inherent in our MS Office products.

I’ve never been struck yet, but some days the emotional abuse is almost more than I can take. Fortunately it’s more than offset most days by the fact that my user community also tells me frequently that they appreciate me and wouldn’t be able to do without me.

Leah Murray

Re: Telus Centre still taking calls (Feb. 19)

Although the National Post takes responsibility for its error, I would like to emphasize the details within my story that were criticized.

While the title “”Telus Centre hangs up”” may have been somewhat misleading, I still believe the story speaks for itself in terms of the Telus Centre Professional Development PROGRAM closing down (as stated in the story’s lede, the second paragraph, and the third paragraph).

I’m not writing to criticize you or put the University of Alberta student newspaperThe Gateway above The National Post in any way, however, I do believe it’s important to fully read the details within a story before picking it up in a national paper (and then in turn blaming the university paper from which it came).

Neil Parmar

Re: Bit parts (Feb. 12)

Just read your editorial on the limit tariffs from Rogers. Glad I’ve read it because I didn’t know about this one.

If I didn’t live in a small village not serviced yet by Bell’s broadband service, and if my business didn’t depend on the Internet, I would march right into Rogers office and let the mindless powers that be know exactly how well they don’t service my needs, how crappy their technical support team is, and how every time I am asked by one of my 150 customers I would without exception steer them to Bell as a high-speed provider.

I have been frustrated to no end when support tech after support tech (sometimes eight or nine in a row) requests to verify my settings. When I continue to lament that the last guy had me do this and I happen to know what I am talking about, one guy last weekend said, “”Well, humour me anyway.””

I would gladly pay more for better service, proper bandwidth allocation, and the right to use the Internet the way I need to. In the meantime, I am grateful for people like you for expressing what I think.

Mike Cooper

Letters to the editor must include the writer’s name and company name along with an e-mail address or other contact information. All letters become the property of Editors reserve the right to edit submissions for length and content.

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