Letters to the editor

Re: Let it Be over, already (Feb. 22)

Not that it would be a bad thing for everyone if Microsoft was a “”company whose time has come and gone.””

Louis Rifkin


Don’t talk to me, talk to my agent (Feb. 20)

Am I missing something? Is there anybody else out there that would have a hard time believing that a client would be directed to the best-fit supplier if that supplier was not interested in paying a fee to an agent like Ridabock?

In my opinion, Ridabock’s model ensures only one thing: that the client sees only the suppliers that are willing to belly up to the bar and slide the agent the cash! And that’s fine by me if the agent represents the supplier.

This model is anathema from a client’s perspective. Who cares where else it exists? Presumably, based on a proper needs analysis, you would assemble a list of qualified suppliers from which selection would be based on price and performance.

If you didn’t have the time or skill, you would hire a qualified consultant to do it for you. The compensation of the consultant would be related to their performance in helping to optimize the cost/quality ratio. One might think that honest and knowledgeable client-centric consultants would be successful and prosper.

If a consultant derived remuneration from suppliers, would the client receive unbiased information from the consultant? Or would the client more than likely be presented only suppliers that would provide a kick-back to the (less-than-scrupulous) consultant?

Mark Varley

Re: Inergi flows into outsourcing market (Feb. 18)

Barring a huge public outcry that can actually make a government think about what it is doing, Ontario will have a for profit electrical system this spring. Aside from the telemarketers, door to door salesmen, and daily price spikes giving the accountants something to worry about, there is a more critical cost that IT managers must think about: down time.

It is well known that the new private monopoly in distribution will cut corners to make money. This means that power outages will occur more frequently in Ontario, and take longer to fix. The private company won’t keep as many workers on staff that can restore power in the event of failure. IT managers must ask themselves this: How long can the company go without power? Can your UPS handle 47 minute power outages?

Adam DeVita

Félicitation. You do a great job, but please spell acronyms: don’t think that everyone knows their meaning.

Raynald Larocque

Letters to the editor must include the writer’s name and company name along with an e-mail address or other contact information. All letters become the property of Editors reserve the right to edit submissions for length and content.

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