Letters to the editor

I look after IT initiatives for our organization and I can’t begin to tell you what a great tool your daily update is. I find the stories well-written – a perfect balance between general interest, detailed analysis and technical level. This is absolutely the best tool I know of to keep abreast of the IT industry. I am now frequently sending story links to fellow managers and have recommended your update to others. Well done!

Larry Gemmel
Senior Director, Collaborative Projects
United Way of Canada – Centraide Canada

Re: Curious, George? (Dec. 04)

A thought occurred to me as I read the closing paragraph of your recent editorial “Curious, George?” Any infringement on privacy that is truly successful would tend to either not be obvious, not have a clear evidence trail to the victim, or not show up until much, much later and “too late,” which is the point, is it not? I’m mildly dismayed that Mr. Radwanski did not apparently have this riposte in his arsenal.

I would also be interested in some stats on the number of people who refuse a given site’s “many levels of authentication or digital identities,” though the government sites aren’t there yet and the corporate sites aren’t likely to have that kind of information. Perhaps a poll, formal or informal, would perhaps dredge up that kind of response.

Judith van den Broek

Re: They call me MISTER Webb! (Nov. 30)

I wholeheartedly agree with Dave Webb’s comments.

It is amazing how little many people work once they have access to e-mail. We monitor our e-mail traffic and I’m appalled by the amount of e-mail that goes on between people in the office and their friends. Instead of constantly phoning each other to make lunch arrangements, they now do it by e-mail which is less obvious as they appear to be working but still non-productive.

Also, as you suggest, the informality of the Internet and e-mail is resulting in a serious reduction in grammar, spelling and sentence structure. Not that mine is bestest.

Wayne Matt

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