Last Pitch Effort: Oh G.O.D., what to ask?

Last Pitch Effort is an occasional look at media relations strategies gone awry.

From: Adam Alfia
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2005 21:08:16 -0400
To: Neil Sutton, assistant editor,
Subject: Press Release – Ask God prepares for launch
For Immediate

Subject: Ask God prepares for launch

The race for quick and dependable mobile internet access has begun — and it looks like all the contenders are stumbling at the gate.

In July of 2005, Ask G.O.D. will unveil “Phoneternet” – a new service that will offer users their own live personal internet search expert or “Angel” at their beck and call 24/7. By simply dialing a toll-free number, Ask G.O.D.’s Angels will retrieve the answer to any question. After giving the answer over the phone, the answer to their query can be emailed or text messaged for future reference.

Ask G.O.D. can find phone numbers, movie reviews, background checks, flight and travel information, weather forecasts, recipes, directions, price comparisons, stock quotes, sports scores, email account checking, or any information that’s on the web.

Whether you’re traveling without your computer and need instant data from the internet, or you don’t have the time to do a web search, Ask G.O.D. is your 24/7 information resource.


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