IT Business Elsewhere: Wi-Bother?

IT Business Elsewhere is a look at unusual technology stories from around the world.

Terror cells seek Web producers

A lot of organizations are choosing to outsource their HR these days, but not Al-Qaida. They’re currently advertising for Web and editing positions. Unfortunately, salary guidelines were not provided.

Wireless hits legal tangle

A plan to blanket San Francisco with Wi-Fi coverage has already hit its first snag. The city’s mayor expects “a very organized effort” to stop it – i.e. getting sued into oblivion by ISPs that expect to see their revenue dry up to a trickle.

On screen and out of sight

Video game addicts are doing very convincing imitations of misanthropes thanks to the addictive qualities of online gaming. Stretches of 15 hours are not uncommon, according to this report. One gamer laments his lack of a real life and inability to get a haircut.

Scientists + Money + Political imperative = Robots!

In an apparent effort to wipe out the human race, the European Union is urging robotics researchers to take their work off the drawing board and produce more walking, talking examples. Didn’t Schwarzenegger make at least three movies about this? He must be smart, he’s a governor.

Spongebob Processorpants

The oceans of the world are teeming with life. If a scientist at the Georgia Institute of Technology has anything to say about it, there’s no reason those itty-bitty creatures can’t be harnessed to build next-generation computer circuits.

The grass is always greener

A golf ball designed by a nanotechnology company is supposed to correct for a slice or hook by making tiny adjustments in its flight trajectory. Duffers everywhere suddenly think they’re Tiger.


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