IT Business Elsewhere: The broadband rickshaw

Reach out, text faith
Wired News

A growing number of cell phone users are using text messaging and other features to help keep them anchored to their religions. “”It’s amazing that

people can find solace in something so short,”” notes spiritualist Deepak Chopra.

DNA: It’s not just for courtrooms anymore
New Scientist

A technique originally developed to analyze DNA sequences can catch spam more than 96 per cent of the time — and only kills one in 6,000 genuine messages. BTW — who knew non-spam messages were called “”ham?””

Starring Angelina Jolie as the leggy researcher with a dark secret
The Register

At a Senate subcommittee hearing in February, the FBI’s cyberchief torqued the story of a Romanian hack into the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station into a life-or-death drama of Bruckheimeresque proportions. Were the scientists ever in danger? Or are authorities just trying to justify the odious USA Patriot Act?

Reminds us of the AMC Matador

The leader of Microsoft’s geopolitical strategy team recounts some embarrassing gaffes Redmond made internationalizing software. And are we the only ones who are a little bit creeped out that Microsoft has a geopolitical strategy team?

The broadband rickshaw

A bicycle cart designed like a temple carriage brings high-speed Internet access to poor farming villages in India. This is what the Internet is really for.

Miniature flying robots? Kewl …

Seiko Epson has developed a Bluetooth-enabled micro-helicopter that weighs less than a can of pop and could be used within two years to search rubble for survivors in the event of a disaster.

Please tell us someone said, ‘Beam me up, Mr. Scott’

Scientists claim to have teleported particles of light 600 metres across Austria’s Danube River. For reasons that aren’t entirely clear to most people with active social lives, this is critical to realizing dreams of super-fast quantum computers.


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