IT Business Elsewhere: Our most extensive robot coverage ever!

Elsewhere is a collection of unusual technology stories from around the world.

Our future masters?
Yahoo! News

The Japanese have constructed life-sized robots supposedly for fun and games, but we all know it’s really to build a robot army that will take over the earth.

Cyborg in aisle 4
Yahoo! News

Don’t believe me yet? Now there are robot grocery carts that follow you around. The next inevitable step is that they’ll remove any unhealthy items like chips or cookies Big Brother thinks you shouldn’t buy. target=blank>Would you like androids with that?
Live Science

There’s even a robot managing fast food restaurants. For most employees in this industry, though, that will probably be an improvement.

Something special in the air
The Inquirer

What’s on this Zune’s playlist? A lot of the blues, I suspect. The not-yet-on shelves device was banned from a U.S. flight this week, while the better-known iPod was given a free ride, so to speak.

I’m not even supposed to BE HERE today!
Chicago Sun-Times

Good news for bosses worldwide: workers waste less time every day surfing the Net than they did last year. The bad news? They still can barely fit in six hours of slavery a day, and that’s including lunch and breaks.

This spot reserved for idiots
Wired News

Here’s a hot tip: if you’re going to evict the employees of the company whose software controls your parking lots, you might want to consider snagging yourself a few manuals first.

She ain’t pretty, she’s just programmed that way
New Scientist

You no longer actually need to become more attractive. Now there’s an algorithm that can do that for you, at least in photos. Call me when there’s a similar solution for personality improvements.

Yakky-yak (We’ll call back)

Cell phone users might seem like they talk a lot, and maybe they do. Just not to very many people, apparently.


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