IT Business Elsewhere: Everybody was IT-fighting!

Elsewhere is a collection of unusual technology stories from around the world.

You gotta fight for your right to IT

Those geeks. You think they’re all wimps with their allergies and asthma, then they turn around and express their inner manhood in garage brawls.

OD’d on IT

If you find yourself spending too much time on the computer, you probably have an addiction. Which no doubt can be treated with drugs. Just don’t get addicted to them. Of course, if you do, you can probably find help on the Internet.

Welcome to America! And to RFID!

If people had an issue with the idea of fingerprinting everyone who enters the U.S., wait until they hear about this suggestion.

High and mighty mouse
China Economic News Service

You think you’re so hot because you have a wireless mouse? Does it fly, too? No? Mine does.

Is that an iPod or a mood ring?
The Inquirer

Here are two Apple-issued ideas. Only one of them really makes any sense.

Fire down below

Maybe Apple should spend a little more time making sure its products don’t explode rather than trying to slow music down or speed it up to match your activity.

Mother of invention

What do Panasonic batteries and bunny birth control have in common? Stumped? You’re not alone.

No more circle and search
Wired News

Circling the block looking for a parking spot might be a thing of the past.


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