IT Business Elsewhere: Dell, meet Paul Dell

ITBusiness Elsewhere is a collection of unusual technology stories from around the globe

Putting bloggers in their space

Don’t have a blog of your own? Download this software — which only works on a limited number of blogging sites — and criticize someone else’s.

A Dell don’t
The Register

First it was Mike Rowe, now it’s Paul Dell. Why should we have any sympathy for people who name their Web sites after tech behemoths and are surprised when they’re slapped with a big fat lawsuit?

Fighting the fat with computers
Yahoo News

Speaking of fat… Instead of implementing an expensive monitoring system to control what their obese kids eat, parents should take a look in the mirror and address the real problem.

Keeping the IT out of asset tracking
The Inquirer

You’d think out of all people that IT staffers would be the first to use IT to manage and track a company’s assets.

A quantum computing leap
New Scientist

Those crazy quantum scientists think they can tell a computer to do something by tricking it. Computers around the world are plotting their revenge right now…

Study proves employees don’t care about security

London IT training company dupes financial services employees to demonstrate what would be seemingly obvious — employees have little regard for company security policies.

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