If technology does not drive business then where do VARs go from here?

Technology plays a big role in many companies today, but for ninety-eight per cent of employees it is transparent if you have good Technologists.

Employees arrive at their workstations in the morning, they turn on their PCs and then they go to the cafeteria for a coffee and a bagel.


come back and sign on to the network and open up the applications that aid them in their daily duties. There are very few companies where technology drives the business.

At Infinity Technologies Inc., however we are cognizant of our technology every minute of every day because it is our business. Our survival depends on knowing how technology will assist our customers in achieving their business objectives. An integral part of our company is in having a team dedicated to researching new technologies and the impact new technologies will have on the way organizations do business in the future.

For the past 14 months we have had a dedicated task force, whose sole mission has been to research the world of wireless networks, wireless devices, 3rd party applications, and middleware.

We are talking about wireless in the sense of WANs, not 802.11X.As a result of this research, we have turned out a new division of Infinity in which we provide our customers with wireless extensions to their corporate networks. We offer real-time solutions for companies who can realize benefits from having their information in the palm of their hands wherever, whenever.

Everything from email and PIM, to mobile dispatch programs, workflow forms, and access to backend databases. We are helping our customers to get the most out of their current technological investments by extending the boundaries of their traditional networks.

More importantly, we are not telling people to go wireless just because it’s there.

At Infinity we know that wireless networks are to wired networks what gravy is to French fries. It’s only two per cent extra, but it changes the whole experience. We also know that those who are early to adopt will recognize the most benefits.


Frank Abate is the founder and president of Mississauga, Ont.-based VAR Infinity Technologies Inc.

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