Delissio brings #NationalPizzaDay to your smartphone

This February, Delissio delivered a lesson in social media marketing alongside their pizzas. February ninth was National Pizza Day, and Delissio capitalized on the event by using Periscope to film 24 pizzas cooking in real-time.

“Periscope is a perfect platform for a brand like Delissio because pizza is a product that transforms. And that transformation is actually something people are willing to watch,” explains Heena Verma, marketing manager at Delissio.

Since its launch in 2015, Periscope has been relatively underused in the business marketing world. “Periscope today, is basically unchartered territory,” says Verma. “This is often the best time to play in a social space, when the user base is growing, but other brands and even rules haven’t totally caught up.”

To attract users to their National Pizza Day live stream, Delissio’s marketing team used “a combination of paid and organic content across Delissio’s owned properties including Facebook, with a primary focus on Twitter to push to the broadcast.” Additionally, they had participation from their partners the Montreal Canadiens, Breville and Twitter Canada.

To keep users engaged in their live stream, Verma says “the key… was always mixing it up. Sometimes that meant introducing a brand new flavour (that will be available in the spring). While other times, we teased the announcement of a winner. We also went with the flow and engaged with viewers in real time.”

Engaging with users meant getting real-time feedback on how viewers were enjoying the experience. The audience was given the option of having the oven light on, known as ‘disco-oven,’ or getting extreme close ups with ‘the bubble cam.’ Delissio even gave away the novelty oven mitts used in the stream because they were so popular. To keep people on the live stream, users who watched for a longer period of time had a higher chance of winning one of the hourly giveaways consisting of pizza for an entire month or year.

The campaign was received positively, and Verma expressed that:

“We believe the [live stream] did a tremendous job of amplifying the Delissio personality, [increasing] brand love and [driving] purchase intent… In addition, highlighting our exciting new launches allowed us to drive awareness and seed interest around them prior to the flavours being available widely in stores.”

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