Computing Canada goes in search of IT leaders

Computing Canada

CC is now accepting nominations for its 3rd annual IT Leadership Awards. The format of the event, formerly known as the IT Executive of the Year, has been expanded to include six categories including IT Executive of the Year, IT Champion of the Year, IT Manager

of the Year, Project Team of the Year, IT Mentor of the Year, Lifetime Achievement Award.

The awards will recognize outstanding achievements by IT professionals, and winners will be honoured at a gala awards ceremony in May 2005.

For more information on Computing Canada’s IT Leadership awards, or to nominate an individual or team, visit

Contact: Patricia MacInnis

Communications & Networking

C&N will be covering Cisco Systems’ Worldwide Analyst Conference next week, Dec. 7-8. Check out Dec. 9 to 10 for the latest news from Cisco. Watch for the December issue of Communications & Networking, which includes a feature on wireless fleet management, a special section on wireless handheld devices and a case study on a Canadian power plant operator that sends and receives faxes using Internet Protocol.

Contact: Greg Meckbach


Technology In Government

In the January/February TIG, Deconstruction Zone looks at the new Ikajuruti

Inungnik Ungasiktumi (IIU) Telehealth Network, which connects clients living in remote locations to providers of medical, social and educational services via video and teleconferencing.

TIG is also reintroducing its Snapshot section, with a focus in the first issue on PC monitoring software — what’s available, who uses it in the public sector and where this technology is headed.

Contact: Kathleen Sibley

Sales contact for all the above: Brad McBride

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