Canadian Olympic Commitee embraces the power of e-signatures

Canadian athletes are going digital as the Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) says goodbye to paper and hello to e-SignLive’s e-signature technology. According to the CBC, the average age of this year’s team Canada athletes is around 25 years old. The COC recognizes the love most millenials have for their portable devices, and has made the transition primarily to please their tech-savvy athletes.

Athletes now have the opportunity to sign important documents on the go, leaving them more time to focus on their training. “Using e-signatures has offered us the ability to meet athletes, coaches and volunteers where they are,” explains Craig Bradley, director of information services at the COC. “They can sign up to participate from anywhere in the world, on any device, at their convenience.”

Bradley says the transition from paper to digital was almost immediate and the response from athletes has been consistently positive. “We’ve seen a big savings in the time it takes to administer and maintain the records associated with on boarding thousands of athletes, coaches and volunteers,” Bradley continues. “It’s [also] been a positive experience for our IT department using cloud-based technology to operational efficiency.”

Eventually, the COC hopes to integrate e-signatures into sponsorship agreements and employee forms.



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