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Should my business consider Voice-over-IP?

A recent Yankee Group

SMB Convergence Survey looked into SMBs’ plans to upgrade their telephone systems to converged voice and data telephony systems, the key drivers motivating these planned purchases and factors that would deter them from adopting converged solutions.

The survey found:

End-user scepticism and unreliable, featureless and expensive first-generation products have slowed the adoption of converged solutions. In addition, information about converged solutions has been limited and end users have been unable to assess their value. Now converged telephony products have improved significantly and end users have become less resistant to adopting them.

The Yankee Group’s August 2003 survey, which sampled 350 small and medium businesses with a PBX, key telephone system or Centrex service, targeted companies with 20 to 500 employees. These SMBs said they have aggressive plans to upgrade their phone systems. Businesses with multiple locations have the most aggressive plans to upgrade. Clearly, the strain of supporting disparate phone systems across multiple business locations forces these businesses to consider a more flexible phone system that can meet more complex business requirements.

But the reasons for not yet having adopted a converged solution, regardless of future plans, centre on cost and a lack of information. SMBs are always very focused on the near-term costs and ROI of any upgrade. In this case, long-term benefits are least-cost routing, reduced conference-calling costs and lower management costs. SMBs also must look at possible opportunities to save by cutting traveling expenses and staffing, consolidating voice and data network maintenance and re-using data assets.

Our recommendations:

Helen Chan is senior analyst, small and medium business strategies, at The Yankee Group in Boston. She can be reached at

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