Apple indicates multi-user iPad support in the works

A bug report response from Apple suggests that the company is working on multi-user support for iPad.

In the bug report submitted to Apple, a developer suggested that the company should add support for multiple users to the iPad.

Apple responded to the developer saying: “After further investigation it has been determined that this is a known issue, which is currently being investigated by engineering,” reports Apple Insider.

The developer said that they had used Apple’s Bug Reporter to request new features several times before, but this was the first time he had ever received a response from the company.

Before the original iPad was launched, it was reported that Apple’s early development of the tablet focused largely on sharing capabilities, enabling the device to be used by multiple family members, for example.

It was also reported that the multi-user function could be activated by facial recognition through a front facing camera.

Last week, we reported that Apple has filed a patent covering an advanced new haptic system that could be used in the next-generation iPad.

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