7 new features of the new BlackBerry 10.1 SDK

BlackBerry 10

With the release of 10.1 Gold, the software development kit (SDK) for the BlackBerry 10 OS, developers have a number of new tools to help then when designing apps for BlackBerry’s new operating system. And users have a hint at some of the features they could be getting in the best OS update.

Here’s a look at some of the key new features in 10.1:

Cascades Profiler: The QNX Momentics IDE can be usedto profile JavaScript and QML code, in addition to C++, and the Cascades Profiler will show information about frame rendering, image loading, compiling and creating QML files, time consumed by running QML bindings, and QML signal handlers.

Support for keyboard devices: With the Q10 sent to launch with its hard QWERTY keyboard, 101 contains new features to support keyboard devices. All core controls have also had visual updates to support the new screen resolution and the different themes available.

Asset selection: An asset selector feature has been built into the QNX Momentics IDE to help developers when writing for both all-touch and keyboard devices. Different visual assets can be used depending on the resolution and theme of the device.

Other new features of note include the ability to create your own keyboard shortcuts within apps, key listeners to handle any key press that produces a character, the ability to query for display technology, and sandbox testing for the Payment Service.

The new SDK is available for download now; no word on when 10.1 will be available for consumers.

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