Waterloop demonstrates world’s first functional pneumatic hyperloop levitation system

On the evening of November 1st, Waterloop showcased the world’s first functional pneumatic levitation system on a small test track at the Federation Hall at the University of Waterloo. The weeks leading to this evening took the whole team’s efforts to make this a success. This event took long hours of planning to make sure everything went smooth and we would deliver a great experience for our supporters and sponsors. 

From a behind the scenes standpoint, planning for this and watching it successfully unfold was absolutely thrilling and each member should feel very proud of themselves.   

The evening started with networking with our sponsors, KW start-ups and the rest of the crowd. Around the room, we had booths set up for Inksmith, Communitech, Babylon VR, Sustainable TO, Skywatch, Sheltr, Pitsopand, Masri O and our very own Waterloop team. As the hall continued to fill, excitement continued to grow as our levitation team was setting up for our live demo.

At 7:00, shell design and marketing lead, Montgomery de Luna, took
the stage to welcome everyone and start the show. We were welcomed by the Dean of Engineering Pearl Sullivan who expressed her support and encouragement for our team. Tim Jackson, our keynote speaker, shared his knowledge and left very inspiring words for our young entrepreneurs of the future.

Victor Qian, levitation lead, introduced our levitation with a hype video made by our very talented photographer and videographer, Aboudi Taha, and lead his team to a successful demo for our audience.


As the levitation got up and running across the track and the cameras started rolling, the crowd exploded in cheer and Waterloop publicly broke history as the world’s first functional pneumatic levitation system.  


Nearing the end of Kickstarter

Reaching our goal of $20,000 in less than 5 days pushed us to raising more for future funds and sending as much of the team as we can to California. With officially 10 days left, there’s still time to donate and help out our team in accomplishing big dreams.

Waterloop would like to extend a huge thank you to all those that came out on our big night. Your continued support means the world to us and we are truly grateful for everyone we have standing behind us on our journey.

You can find our live stream video from the evening on our Facebook page.

Stay tuned for more exciting news and updates on Team Waterloop!

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